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Jemez Mountain Trail Runs

Eighteenth Annual Jemez Mountain Trail Runs (JMTR)

50 mile, 50k, 15 mile

Saturday, May 10, 2025

Registration for the 2025 eighteenth annual JMTR will open on January 6th, 2025 at 6:00am on All races will be the same course as in 2024. 

We are evaluating the mandatory gear policy and will have updates on that topic closer to race day.​​

The 2024 JMTR races were quite memorable with a severe mid-afternoon hail storm dropping temperatures up to 20 degrees in short order, leaving trails full of slush and water. There was even a very rare tornado sighted just a few miles west of the course highpoint on Pajarito Mountain. 50 mile runners not past Mitchell aid station when the brunt of the storm hit were diverted to the 50k finish. JMTR volunteers did an absolutely amazing job adapting to rapidly changing and challenging conditions to keep runners safe.  See our May 13, 2024 blog update for more. 

Results for all races can be found on

Photographer Jim Stein was on course for the 2024 races and captured the great day out there. Jim had this to say about the day, "Wow, what an experience. It had everything. Fog, rain, hail, snow, lightning and a little bit of sun. 
Thank you to the runners. Your smiling faces and kindness made every second of this worth it, especially in these conditions. A huge shout out to the race organizers and volunteers. This is undoubtedly the best event in this town every year. You are amazing." 

All profits from Jim's photos are donated to the race organization. 

Thank you, Jim, for supporting JMTR with your photography.

For timely updates and additional news see the Blog page. Also, we encourage you to join the JMTR Facebook group to connect with other JMTR runners.

Benefiting the Los Alamos High School Cross Country Team and other local organizations

Thank you to our national sponsors:
Big thanks to our local sponsors!

© 2024 High Altitude Athletics Club (HAAC)

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