Aaron Goldman and Wally Walters Scholarships
The Jemez Mountain Trail Runs supports the Aaron S. Goldman and Wally Walters Memorial scholarships for runners from the Los Alamos Public Schools. Each year, some of the proceeds from the runs are donated to the scholarships.
The Aaron S. Goldman and Wally Walters Memorial Scholarships received a very generous donation from Charlie Thorn and Andi Kron, along with a challenge for others to donate. Concerned about funding the scholarships when the Jemez Mountain Trail Runs have been cancelled due to COVID, Charlie and Andi have committed to donating $1000 each year for three years if others will donate an additional $2000 total per year. Committed donations of $3000 will enable the scholarships to continue regardless of what happens with the races. In 2020, the scholarships awarded more than $5000 to deserving LAHS seniors.
To make a three-year pledge toward meeting Charlie and Andi’s challenge, please email kernkt@cybermesa.com so we can track the total pledges. We will confirm how to make the donation.
Donations are always welcome and donations to the scholarship funds are tax deductible. If you wish to donate to the scholarships without making a pledge, please send a check payable to the High Altitude Athletics Club (HAAC) to:
HAAC Scholarship Funds
PO Box 298
Los Alamos, NM 87544
For LANL employees, donations made through the LANL Giving program can receive matching funds. Select the "High Altitude Athletics AP Goldman Scholarship" option in the LANL Giving site. The LANL Giving program does not provide donors names, so please let us know you have donated by sending an email to kernkt@cybermesa.com.
About the scholarships
Wally Walters Memorial Scholarship The Wally Walters Memorial Scholarship is awarded to senior athletes displaying exceptional team leadership and dedication to their studies and cross country running. The award is made on recommendation from the LAHS track and cross country coaches.
Aaron S. Goldman Memorial Scholarship The Aaron S. Goldman Memorial Scholarship is made to seniors showing the greatest commitment to the values exemplified by Aaron Goldman: excellence in academics, a passion for running, and a dedication to community service.