JMTR 2018 Results Posted
The thirteenth annual JMTR races were a great success despite the course changes due to fire restrictions. Thanks to all the runners for...
JMTR 2018 Runners Manual and Course Maps Now Available
You have questions, we've got answers! The JMTR 2018 Runners Manual has all the information you need to know to plan and execute your...
50 Mile Course Update - April 26, 2018
This message is to update you on the 50 mile course. The current forest conditions along with the ongoing draught has forced us to make...
50k Course Update - April 26, 2018
This message is to update you on potential changes to the 50 km course. The current forest conditions along with the ongoing draught has...
New JMTR website is up!
As we gear up for the 2018 JMTR races registration opening December 16th, we've launched a new website: